PEDro information leaflet

1. What is PEDro?

The Physiotherapy Evidence Database (or ‘PEDro’ for short) provides physiotherapists around the world with easy access to high-quality clinical research so they can practise and teach effectively. PEDro is a well-established, robust and trusted site that provides access to over 64,000 randomised controlled trials, systematic reviews and evidence-based clinical practice guidelines relevant to physiotherapy.

In 2021, users from over 200 countries performed a PEDro search every 7 seconds (over 4.2 million in total). PEDro is freely available to the global physiotherapy community and is used by students, researchers, educators, clinicians and policy makers.

All trials in PEDro are rated for quality using the PEDro scale. These ratings mean users can quickly and easily identify relevant and valid trials to guide their practice. As the body of physiotherapy research is growing rapidly, this has become even more important for busy clinicians and academics.

2. How is PEDro produced

PEDro is produced by physiotherapists for physiotherapists. It is the most highly regarded information resource for physiotherapists globally. PEDro was initiated and is maintained by the PEDro Partnership at the Institute for Musculoskeletal Health (The University of Sydney and Sydney Local Health District) and Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA). The Partnership’s mission is to maximise the effectiveness of physiotherapy services by facilitating the clinical application of the best available evidence.

PEDro is produced on a not-for-profit basis with financial support from industry partners, granting bodies, and donations from organisations and individuals. You can support PEDro’s invaluable contribution to high quality physiotherapy care around the world by making a donation or contacting us to discuss a partnership.

3. What can you do to help?

We are always looking for volunteers to help us locate and rate trials, reviews and guidelines. If you think you might like to assist in this way, please contact us. You can be a volunteer from anywhere in the world.

If you know of a trial, review or guideline that you think ought to be in PEDro but is not, please contact us with the details.

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