
Cognitive functional therapy for chronic low back pain: PEDro Top 25 Trials spotlight

As part of PEDro’s 25th anniversary, we identified the Top 5 trials published between July 2019 to August 2024. A trial by Kent et al. (2023) found that cognitive functional therapy can produce large and sustained improvements for people with chronic low back pain.

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These 5 trials were combined with the PEDro Top 20 Trials from our 20th anniversary to form PEDro’s Top 25 Trials. PEDro’s Top 25 Trials are nominated by PEDro users and judged by a panel of international physiotherapy trialists. PEDro’s Top 25 Trials are ground-breaking trials that changed the way people are treated for a variety of conditions seen by physiotherapists and other healthcare professionals. Some of these trials set the stage for breakthroughs, some represent a paradigm shift, and all of them mark important milestones in the evolution of physiotherapy treatment.

Kent P, et al. Cognitive functional therapy with or without movement sensor biofeedback versus usual care for chronic, disabling low back pain (RESTORE): a randomised, controlled, three-arm, parallel group, phase 3, clinical trial. Lancet. 2023;401(10391):1866-1877. DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(23)00441-5.

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