PEDro Evidence in your inbox
Accessing the latest high-quality clinical research in your area of practice just got a whole lot easier. With PEDro evidence in your inbox you can sign up for tailored feeds of the latest guidelines, reviews …
Accessing the latest high-quality clinical research in your area of practice just got a whole lot easier. With PEDro evidence in your inbox you can sign up for tailored feeds of the latest guidelines, reviews …
Acabamos de lançar a nova forma de notícias do PEDro (que irá substituir a lista de e-mails). As notícias (newsletter) serão o resumo de todas as atualizações do PEDro, de mês em mês. Estas notícias …
The PEDro Newsletter has been launched (this will replace the PEDro email list). The newsletter summarises all developments with the PEDro resource and will be released about once a month. The newsletter will be available …
Você sabia que mais de 12% dos usuários do PEDro são fluentes em português? E que o Brasil é o terceiro país que mais acessa o PEDro (depois apenas da Austrália e dos Estados Unidos)? …
Did you know that over 12% of PEDro users speak Portuguese and that physiotherapists in Brazil are the third biggest users of PEDro (after Australia and the USA)? To make PEDro more accessible to Portuguese …
As últimas notícias do PEDro estarão agora disponíveis em um blog. O blog estará disponível nos idiomas inglês e português.
The latest developments for the PEDro resource will now be communicated in a blog. The blog is available in English and Portuguese.