
Infográfico: Revisão sistemática encontrou que as intervenções fisioterapêuticas, incluindo exercícios aeróbicos e abordagens multimodais, são benéficas no tratamento de atletas adolescentes e jovens adultos pós-concussão.

No mês passado, resumimos a revisão sistemática de Art et al. 2023. Esta revisão sistemática sugere que o exercício aeróbico ou intervenções multimodais podem levar a uma recuperação mais rápida e ao retorno ao esporte …

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Funding is vital to sustain PEDro

Support for PEDro comes from the following global physiotherapy organisation. We thank the Australian Physiotherapy Association who has just renewed their financial and in-kind partnership with PEDro for another 3 years.

Infographic: Systematic review found that physical therapy interventions including aerobic exercise and multimodal approaches are beneficial in treating adolescent and young adult athletes post-concussion.

Last month we summarised the systematic review by Art et al 2023. The review concluded that aerobic exercise or multi-modal interventions may lead to quicker recovery and return to sport in adolescent and young adult …

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PEDro Education and Training Committee 2024

The PEDro Education and Training Committee contributes to the development and dissemination of PEDro resources for facilitating evidence-based practice. Meet some of the members. Read more on PEDro

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