
Systematic review found passive physical treatments for low back pain were most likely to help people who were younger with higher disability and lower psychological distress and psychological treatments were more likely to help those with severe disability

Proven treatments for low back pain only provide modest overall benefits. Matching people to treatments that are likely to be most effective for them may improve clinical outcomes and makes better use of healthcare resources. …

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Systematic review found that exercise therapy delivered using advanced telehealth technology may improve exercise capacity, dyspnoea and quality of life in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a major cause of disability and mortality worldwide. There is level 1 evidence that exercise-based pulmonary rehabilitation improves exercise capacity, dyspnoea and quality of life. Telecommunication technology can be used …

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Infographic for systematic review that found that electromechanical- or robot-assisted training increases the likelihood of independent walking after stroke

Last month we summarised the systematic review by Mehrholz et al. The review concluded that electromechanical- or robot-assisted training increases the likelihood of independent walking after stroke. Some suggestions for providing electromechanical- or robot-assisted training …

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