PEDro user users can ‘view’ records to obtain detailed information about the article, including the abstract, PEDro ratings and links to full-text. They can also ‘select’ records to be added to a list that can then be emailed or exported in EndNote format. We tallied the most frequently viewed and selected records in PEDro during 2018. Some interesting trends were observed.
Of the 20 most accessed records in 2018, 95% were synthesis research (guidelines and reviews). With the high volume of published research in physiotherapy, reading evidence-based clinical practice guidelines and systematic reviews is a fantastic way to keep up to date in your field. 75% of the most accessed records were guidelines.
Low back pain is a significant and highly debated area of practice in physiotherapy. The three most accessed records (averaging 3,000 views each), and 25% of the 20 most accessed records overall, evaluated physiotherapy interventions for low back pain. 90% of the most accessed records were in the area of musculoskeletal and sports physiotherapy; with 7/20 regarding spinal pain, 4/20 shoulder dysfunction, and 6/20 lower limb injuries and osteoarthritis. Guidelines for stroke rehabilitation comprised the remaining 10% of the 20 most accessed records.
The 20 most accessed records included one clinical trial. The trial had good methodological quality (scoring 10/10 on the PEDro scale) and evaluated electrophysical agents for the treatment of adhesive capsulitis.
The full list of the 20 most accessed PEDro records during 2018 is available at in the table below.