To celebrate #PEDroTurns25, we asked our PEDro Raters why they volunteer to rate articles on PEDro.
Gerardo Candoni
How long have you been a Rater? I have been collaborating with PEDro for 4 years.
What do you enjoy about rating? What I enjoy most about collaborating is being able to connect with physical therapists from all over the world through their studies and learn a bit more about each reality.
Why did you start rating? I started at that time because I wanted to understand the background of the scoring that was generated in each newsletter I received every month. |
¿Cuánto tiempo llevas siendo evaluador(a)? Estoy colaborando con PEDro hace 4 años.
¿Qué disfrutas de la evaluación? Lo que más disfruto de colaborar es poder tener contacto con terapista físicos de todo el mundo a través de sus estudios y conocer un poco más de cada realidad.
¿Por qué comenzaste a evaluar? Je pense qu’il est crucial en tan que kinésithérapeute de rester à jour avec la littérature scientifique. Être un volontaire est une bonne manière d’augmenter mon exposition à la littérature scientifique. |
Depuis combien de temps es-tu évaluateur/évaluatrice?
Da quanto tempo sei un valutatore/una valutatrice?
Ho iniziato all’epoca perché volevo capire cosa c’era dietro i punteggi che venivano generati in ogni newsletter che ricevevo ogni mese. |