To celebrate #PEDroTurns25, we asked our PEDro Raters why they volunteer to rate articles on PEDro.
Mia Nyvang, Physiotherapist at the National Research Centre for the Working Environment in Denmark
How long have you been a Rater? Since 2017.
What do you enjoy about rating? I mostly enjoy the detective work in finding the answers to the rating-scale questions, in the different articles.
Why did you start rating? I started rating because I needed more experience in reading and critically going through research articles. |
Hvor længe har du været rater? Siden 2017.
Hvad kan du bedst lide ved at være rater? Jeg kan bedst lide detektiv arbejdet, der ligger i at finde besvarelserne relateret til vurderingsskalaen.
Hvorfor begyndte du at rate? Jeg meldte mig som rater, fordi at jeg søgte mere erfaring i at læse og kritisk vurdere forskningsartikler. |