
More languages for the tenth video of PEDro Advanced Search for the “You Ask #PEDroAnswers” campaign

Each month in 2021 we have shared short videos illustrating how to use the PEDro Advanced Search to find the best research to answer clinical questions submitted by PEDro users. We are re-posting the tenth video because it is now available in French and Portuguese (in addition to the English version posted in November).

The tenth video used the PEDro Advanced Search to find the best research to answer this clinical question: “In children with cerebral palsy, does functional and repetitive training of sit-to-stand reduce disability more than usual care?”

The Search terms ware:

  • skill training (Therapy)
  • cerebral palsy (Topic)
  • stand* (Title Only).




PEDro acknowledges the contributions of: Ana Helena Salles from Faculdade de Ciências Médicas de Minas Gerais, Brazil who translated the Portuguese version; Giovanni Ferriera from the Institute for Musculoskeletal Health at the University of Sydney who recorded the Portuguese version; and, Céline Lesage, Sébastien Mateo and Matthieu Guemann from the Société Française de Physiothérapie who translated and recorded the French version.

You can watch all 10 search videos for the “You Ask #PEDroAnswers” campaign at

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