
What’s it like to be a PEDro Rater – Dr Eva Uršej

To celebrate #PEDroTurns25, we asked our PEDro Raters why they volunteer to rate articles on PEDro.

Dr Eva Uršej, Physiotherapist at Klinika Doktor24, Master of Sports Education, Ass. Prof. at Faculty of Health Care Angela Boškin


How long have you been a Rater?

I learned about the possibility of becoming a PEDro Rater at the World Physiotherapy Congress in Geneva in 2019. Since I come from a small European country, Slovenia, and I also speak Croatian and Serbian (also in Cyrillic), colleagues from PEDro invited me to participate because they were looking for people who could evaluate articles written in Cyrillic, Croatian, Serbian, Montenegrin and Macedonian languages. Shortly after the Congress, I received all the necessary information and completed the initial PEDro rating training, and then I started regularly receiving articles for evaluation. In the last five years, I have evaluated quite a few of them in this way, but I do not know the exact number.


What do you enjoy about rating?

The evaluation process itself is, on the one hand, fairly easy, but on the other hand, it also requires sufficient knowledge and familiarity with research work. I like that in this way I come across research that I might otherwise not have even noticed, as many of them are not in the field of my primary research work. At the same time, I stay in touch with the development of the profession and research.


Why did you start rating?

When I got acquainted with PEDro in Geneva, I immediately recognised the good purpose of the organisation, and in addition, I also always suggest regular use of the PEDro database to my students at the faculty. Since I am a researcher myself, it seemed logical to me to become a PEDro Rater and thus contribute to the development of our profession to the best of my ability.

Kako dolgo ste že «PEDro rater» (ocenjevalec PEDro)?

Z možnostjo postati «PEDro rater» sem se seznanila na Svetovnem kongresu fizioterapije v Genevi, leta 2019. Ker prihajam iz majhne evropske države, Slovenije, in govorim tudi hrvaški in srbski jezik (tudi v cirilici), so me sodelavci iz PEDro povabili k sodelovanju, ker so iskali osebe, ki bi lahko ocenile članke, napisane v cirilici in hrvaškem, srbskem, črnogorskem, makedonskem jeziku. Kmalu po kongresu sem prejela vse potrebne informacije in opravila začetno izobraževanje PEDro rating-a, nato pa sem pričela redno prejemati članke v ocenitev. V zadnjih petih letih sem jih tako ocenila že kar veliko, a točne številke ne poznam.


Kaj vam je pri «PEDro rating-u» (ocenjevanju PEDro) nabolj všeč?

Sam proces ocenjevanja je po eni strani dokaj enostaven, po drugi strani pa vendarle zahteva tudi zadostno znanje in poznavanje raziskovalnega dela. Všeč mi je, da se na ta način srečujem z raziskavami, ki jih morda sicer ne bi niti opazila, saj marsikatera ni s področja mojega primarnega raziskovalnega dela. Hkrati pa ostajam v stiku z razvojem stroke in raziskovanja.


Zakaj ste pričeli s «PEDro rating-om» (ocenjevanjem PEDro)?

Ob seznanitvi s PEDro v Genevi sem takoj prepoznala dober namen organizacije, poleg tega tudi svojim študentom na fakulteti vedno predlagam redno uporabo PEDro database. Ker sem tudi sama raziskovalka, se mi je zdelo logično, da postanem «PEDro rater» in tako po svojih najboljših močeh pripomorem k razvoju naše stroke.


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