
O apoio ao PEDro vem da Associação Australiana de Fisioterapia, Sociedade Irlandesa de Fisioterapeutas Fretados, Sociedade Real Holandesa de Fisioterapia, Associação de Fisioterapeutas de Macau, Sociedade Lituana de Fisioterapeutas, Associação Letã de Fisioterapeutas, Axxon Fisioterapia na Bélgica, Fisiossuíça e Fisioterapia Nova Zelândia

Nós agradecemos a Associação Australiana de Fisioterapia, Sociedade Irlandesa de Fisioterapeutas Fretados, Sociedade Real Holandesa de Fisioterapia, Associação de Fisioterapeutas de Macau, Sociedade Lituana de Fisioterapeutas, Associação Letã de Fisioterapeutas, Axxon Fisioterapia na Bélgica, Fisiossuíça …

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Support for PEDro comes from the Australian Physiotherapy Association, Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists, Koninklijk Nederlands Genootschap voor Fysiotherapie, Macau Physical Therapists Association, Lietuvos Kineziterapeutų Draugija, Latvijas Fizioterapeitu Asociācija, Axxon Physical Therapy in Belgium, Physioswiss, Physiotherapy New Zealand

We thank Australian Physiotherapy Association, Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists, Koninklijk Nederlands Genootschap voor Fysiotherapie, Macau Physical Therapists Association, Lietuvos Kineziterapeutų Draugija, Latvijas Fizioterapeitu Asociācija, Axxon Physical Therapy in Belgium, Physioswiss and Physiotherapy New Zealand …

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DiTA update (2 May 2022)

DiTA contains 2,350 records. In the 2 May 2022 update you will find: 2,104 reports of primary studies, and 246 reports of systematic reviews. For the latest primary studies and systematic reviews evaluating diagnostic tests …

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PEDro update (2 May 2022)

PEDro contains 54,650 records. In the 2 May 2022 update you will find: 41,931 reports of randomised controlled trials (41,238 of these trials have confirmed ratings of methodological quality using the PEDro scale) 12,010 reports …

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