
Descriptions of interventions in physiotherapy trials are typically incomplete

A survey of a random sample of 200 physiotherapy trials indexed on PEDro has revealed that the descriptions of physiotherapy interventions are typically incomplete. The survey, published in Physiotherapy, used the 12-item Template for Intervention Description and Replication (TIDieR) checklist to investigate the completeness of reporting of interventions provided to the treatment and control groups. 23% of trials described less than half of the TIDieR items for the treatment group. Reporting was worse for the control groups, with 75% of trials describing less than half of the TIDieR items. Improved reporting is required to translate research into practice.

Yamato TP, Maher CG, Saragiotto BT, Hoffmann TC, Moseley AM. How completely are physiotherapy interventions described in reports of randomised trials? Physiotherapy 2016;102(2):121-6

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