
DiTA update (6 July 2020)

DiTA contains 1,807 records. In the 6 July 2020 update you will find: 1,636 reports of primary studies, and 171 reports of systematic reviews.

PEDro update (6 July 2020)

PEDro contains 47,574 records. In the 6 July 2020 update you will find: 36,964 reports of randomised controlled trials (36,115 of these trials have confirmed ratings of methodological quality using the PEDro scale) 9,925 reports …

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Support for PEDro comes from the Australian Physiotherapy Association, American Physical Therapy Association, Canadian Physiotherapy Association, Fysioterapeuterna, Latvijas Fizioterapeitu Asociācija, Association Luxembourgeoise Des Kinésithérapeutes, Suomen Fysioterapeutit, Società Italiana di Fisioterapia, Associação Portuguesa de Fisioterapeutas, UNIFY ČR, and Lietuvos Kineziterapeutų Draugija

We thank Australian Physiotherapy Association, American Physical Therapy Association, Canadian Physiotherapy Association, Fysioterapeuterna, Latvijas Fizioterapeitu Asociācija, Association Luxembourgeoise Des Kinésithérapeutes, Suomen Fysioterapeutit, Società Italiana di Fisioterapia, Associação Portuguesa de Fisioterapeutas, UNIFY ČR, and Lietuvos Kineziterapeutų …

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Systematic review found that stroke patients who receive stroke unit care are more likely to be alive, independent, and living at home at 1 year post-stroke

Stroke is the third leading cause of disability and the second leading cause of mortality worldwide. Stroke units provide guideline-directed and multi-disciplinary care (medical, nursing, and allied health, including physiotherapy) for patients hospitalised with stroke. …

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Infographic for systematic review that found that early rehabilitation interventions reduce the likelihood of developing intensive care unit-acquired weakness in critically ill patients

Last month we summarised the Anekwe et al. The review concluded that early rehabilitation interventions (early mobilisation and/or neuromuscular electrical stimulation) reduce the likelihood of developing intensive care unit-acquired weakness in critically ill patients. Some …

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