
Celebrating 25 years of PEDro!


PEDro will celebrate its 25th anniversary in October 2024. As part of the celebrations we will be sharing:

PEDro resources

PEDro’s history

Celebrating our PEDro volunteers
Available later in 2024.

Connecting with prominent physiotherapists from around the globe
Available later in 2024.

PEDro’s Top 25 Trials

To mark this important milestone, we also want to identify 5 of the most important randomised controlled trials in physiotherapy published in the years 2019-2024.

High-quality randomised controlled trials are essential for physiotherapy practice and teaching. In 2014 we commemorated PEDro’s 15th birthday by identifying the top 15 high quality physiotherapy trials. We added an additional 5 trials in 2019. These are ground-breaking trials that changed the way people with a variety of conditions are treated. Some of the trials demonstrated breakthroughs, some represented a paradigm shift, and all of them marked important milestones in the evolution of physiotherapy treatment. Interviews with the lead authors of the top 20 trials are available in the PEDro top 20 trials page.

We now want to expand this list by adding the top 5 trials published between July 2019-2024.

PEDro users are invited to nominate randomised controlled trials evaluating physiotherapy interventions for consideration. The trials need to answer important clinical questions in a robust and innovative way. Only trials that have results published in a peer-reviewed journal article between July 2019-2024 will be considered.

Nominate a trial here!

Nominations close on Sunday 11 August 2024.

Nominations will be judged by an independent panel of international trialists. The next top 5 trials will be announced in November 2024.

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