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Systematic review found that exercise improves quality of life in people with cancer
In this review, the authors included 16 randomised controlled trials examining the effects of exercise during or after chemotherapy and radiotherapy or after surgery compared with placebo, other treatment or…
PEDro update (5 Sep 2016)
PEDro contains 34,444 records. In the 5 September 2016 update you will find: 27,389 reports of randomised controlled trials (26,705 of these trials have confirmed ratings of methodological quality using…
PEDro update (1 August 2016)
PEDro contains 34,136 records. In the 1 August 2016 update you will find: 27,177 reports of randomised controlled trials (26,492 of these trials have confirmed ratings of methodological quality using…
Changes to PEDro search interface
A paper analysing 893,971 PEDro search commands has just been published. This revealed some common errors made by PEDro users which will make searching less effective: using Boolean operators (and,…
PEDro update (4 July 2016)
PEDro contains 33,895 records. In the 4 July 2016 update you will find: 26,985 reports of randomised controlled trials (26,272 of these trials have confirmed ratings of methodological quality using…
PEDro update (6 June 2016)
PEDro contains 33,649 records. In the 6 June 2016 update you will find: 26,809 reports of randomised controlled trials (26,058 of these trials have confirmed ratings of methodological quality using…
PEDro update (2 May 2016)
PEDro contains 33,320 records. In the 2 May 2016 update you will find: 26,547 reports of randomised controlled trials (25,832 of these trials have confirmed ratings of methodological quality using…
Descriptions of interventions in physiotherapy trials are typically incomplete
A survey of a random sample of 200 physiotherapy trials indexed on PEDro has revealed that the descriptions of physiotherapy interventions are typically incomplete. The survey, published in Physiotherapy, used…