DiTA update (September 2020)
DiTA was updated on 7 September 2020. For the latest primary studies and systematic reviews evaluating diagnostic tests in physiotherapy visit Evidence in your inbox.
DiTA was updated on 7 September 2020. For the latest primary studies and systematic reviews evaluating diagnostic tests in physiotherapy visit Evidence in your inbox.
The next PEDro and DiTA updates are on Monday 7 September 2020.
We thank Axxon and Singapore Physiotherapy Association who have just renewed their partnership with PEDro for another year.
Low back pain is a global health problem. Most international clinical practice guidelines recommend that first-line care for low back pain should involve non-pharmacological interventions, including those delivered by a physiotherapist. A recent review aimed …
Shoulder pain is a common musculoskeletal complaint, of which rotator cuff related pain is the predominant diagnosis. Clinical guidelines recommend exercise for rotator cuff related pain but make no distinction about the type of exercise …
Last month we summarised the systematic review by Woodley et al. The review concluded that antenatal pelvic floor muscle training can prevent urinary incontinence. Some suggestions for providing antenatal pelvic floor muscle training are in …
To celebrate PEDro’s 20th birthday we identified the five most important randomised controlled trials in physiotherapy published in the years 2014-2019. We invited PEDro users to nominate randomised controlled trials in physiotherapy for consideration. Nominations …
We are pleased to announce that PEDro has just achieved a new milestone for the amount of evidence. There are now 10,000+ systematic reviews indexed in PEDro. pedro.org.au
DiTA contains 1,830 records. In the 3 August 2020 update you will find: 1,655 reports of primary studies, and 175 reports of systematic reviews. dita.org.au
PEDro contains 47,843 records. In the 3 August 2020 update you will find: 37,153 reports of randomised controlled trials (36,378 of these trials have confirmed ratings of methodological quality using the PEDro scale) 10,007 reports …