
Support for PEDro comes from the American Physical Therapy Association, Koninklijk Nederlands Genootschap voor Fysiotherapie, Physioswiss, Fysioterapeuterna, Associação Espanola de Fisioterapeutas, Latvijas Fizioterapeitu Asociācija, Suomen Fysioterapeutit, Združenje Fizioterapevtov Slovenije, Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association, Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Physiotherapiewissenschaft, Associação Portuguesa de Fisioterapeutas and Macau Physical Therapists Association

We thank the American Physical Therapy Association, Koninklijk Nederlands Genootschap voor Fysiotherapie, Physioswiss, Fysioterapeuterna, Associação Espanola de Fisioterapeutas, Latvijas Fizioterapeitu Asociācija, Suomen Fysioterapeutit, Združenje Fizioterapevtov Slovenije, Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association, Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists, …

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Vote for which infographic you prefer for the systematic review that found that providing group-based pelvic floor muscle training for all women during pregnancy is more efficient than individual training

Last month we summarised the systematic review by Brennen et al. The review concluded that providing group-based pelvic floor muscle training for all women during pregnancy is more efficient than individual training. The PEDro Education …

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PEDro update (7 June 2021)

PEDro contains 50,914 records. In the 7 June 2021 update you will find: 39,340 reports of randomised controlled trials (38,567 of these trials have confirmed ratings of methodological quality using the PEDro scale) 10,882 reports …

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DiTA update (June 2021)

DiTA was updated on 7 June 2021. For the latest primary studies and systematic reviews evaluating diagnostic tests in physiotherapy visit Evidence in your inbox.

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