
Become a PEDro rater

PEDro is unique. All randomised controlled trials indexed on PEDro are independently quality-rated by trained PEDro raters. All potential PEDro raters complete the PEDro training program on how to use the PEDro Scale. The program …

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DiTA update (4 September 2023)

DiTA contains 2,430 records. In the 4 September 2023 update you will find: 2,161 reports of primary studies, and 269 reports of systematic reviews. For the latest primary studies and systematic reviews evaluating diagnostic tests …

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PEDro update (4 September 2023)

PEDro contains 59,914 records. In the 4 September 2023 update you will find: 45,879 Reports of randomised controlled trials (44,424 of these trials have confirmed ratings of methodological quality using the PEDro scale) 13,270 reports …

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Funding is vital to sustain PEDro

Support for PEDro comes from the following global physiotherapy organisations. We thank Félag Sjúkraþjálfara and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Physiotherapiewissenschaft who have renewed their partnership with PEDro for another year.

Systematic review found that there were no differences between home-based exercise programs and centre-based exercise programs for improving upper-limb impairments and activity limitations in adults with stroke

This systematic review aimed to estimate the effects of home-based exercises compared to centre-based exercises on improving motor dexterity, recovery, strength, upper-limb movement performance, upper-limb movement quality and participation in people with acute to chronic …

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Meet PEDro Brazil

PEDro satellite centres contribute to developing the PEDro and DiTA databases. Earlier this year the PEDro Steering committee announced the global expansion of the PEDro and DiTA databases and launched the PEDro satellite centres. The …

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DiTA update (7 August 2023)

DiTA contains 2,422 records. In the 7 August 2023 update you will find: 2,156 reports of primary studies, and 266 reports of systematic reviews. For the latest primary studies and systematic reviews evaluating diagnostic tests …

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