
DiTA update (9 October 2023)

DiTA contains 2,434 records. In the 9 October 2023 update you will find: 2,164 reports of primary studies, and 270 reports of systematic reviews. For the latest primary studies and systematic reviews evaluating diagnostic tests …

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A revisão sistemática encontrou que o exercício aeróbico durante a gestação pode reduzir a incidência de diabetes mellitus gestacional e hipertensão gestacional. As intervenções foram variadas e a certeza da evidência não foi avaliada

As complicações comuns na gestação incluem diabetes mellitus gestacional e hipertensão gestacional. Até o momento, as evidências sobre os efeitos do exercício nas complicações e nos resultados da gravidez são inconsistentes. Essa revisão sistemática teve …

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Systematic review found that aerobic exercise during pregnancy may reduce the incidence of gestational diabetes mellitus and gestational hypertension. Interventions were varied and the certainty of the evidence was not assessed.

Commonly occurring pregnancy complications include gestational diabetes mellitus and gestational hypertension. Evidence to date regarding the effects of exercise on pregnancy complications and outcomes is inconsistent. This systematic review aimed to estimate the effects of …

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